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Reading Glasses on Book

Manuscripts & Works in Progress

A few of my projects, including moodboards for two socio-political YA second-world fantasy manuscripts.

Moodpitchers Moodboard - 02Mar22.jpg


Power-hungry Zye wants to be an invincible warrior with limitless powers but when a sly, sentient power gives her what she wants stoking an interspecies war, will Zye be able to give up her ambition to save the world & her family?


On a planet that responds to power, scholar Heer is used to doing without food, without money, without power but when the ruling elite try to enslave her oppressed people, she will tear out power from the world itself even if it costs her everything.


The Dark

Adult Fantasy. Factional politics & Supernaturals. 


Photo by Alex Fu


MG Adventure Comedy Fantasy. Girl meets deranged wizard meets dragon. 


Image by Josch13 from Pixabay

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