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Press Kit

Rajani Thindiath's Story

Rajani Thindiath - Headshot.jpg

Rajani is a writer & editor by profession, a diversity champion by inclination and a curious rabbit-hole  / tangent follower with endless questions by default.


She was one of those clueless ones who didn't know what she wanted to be when she grew up (she's still growing up). So, she majored in Psychology, took a diploma in Animation and then another one in Journalism. (She also has certifications in screenwriting, narrative design for game writing and content marketing. She loves to learn!)


She has been a copywriter, a designer and a newspaper sub-editor before venturing into comics, graphic novels, books and animation. (She believes her journey is ongoing.)


She was the Editor-in-Chief of one of India’s largest comics publications for a decade and has been a writer & editor over two decades.


She has written and published two graphic novels (SuperWeirdos: Whoosh! and YogYodhas: Warriors of the Spirit) and has been nominated twice for Best Writer at the Comic Con India Awards.


She is an AVGC (Animation Video Games Comics industry) 40 Under 40 winner and a recipient of the Sahitya Ratna Sammaan award by the Writers and Journalists Association for her contribution to Children’s Literature. â€‹


She is a TEDx speaker and was a juror at the British Fantasy Awards (2022) and the Publishing Next Awards (2023 and 2021). 


She writes animation scripts for Nickelodeon and stories & scripts on commissioned projects, across media & platforms. She also develops Brand Content (including characters, worldbuilding and stories), takes on editing projects and is querying her YA Fantasy manuscripts.



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